Friday, April 27, 2012

In Praise of Precious Little Girls

     I love being a dad.  And I love being a dad of two little girls.  Now, one reason I can love being a dad of two little girls is that my wife is the best mother I know and takes care of these little ones remarkably well.  God has made my wife to do this and she shows it in the patience, care, and steadiness she has with our Lydia and Susannah.  So before I talk about my little girls, let me offer praise to God for the best wife and mother I know, my sweet Rosalie.

     While I'm not Mr. Northwoods, I'm still a man who likes watching the NFL Draft, college basketball, and This Old House.  I appreciate Bob Uecker's ability to narrate a homerun.  But I very much love being able to care for two little ones whom I have no illusions of forcing into softball or basketball, even though they're genetically predisposed to be recruited by any girls volleyball or basketball coach with a tape measure.  There is great joy in embracing masculinity and femininity according to God's good design, a design that includes pretty dresses for little girls and lessons in leading for little boys.  And I have to say, as I watch my little girls grow up, my heart melts in love over them and to God for how He has designed them and in earnest hope of God giving their sinful hearts a saving interest in Christ.  As a dad, I can't imagine a sweeter, more solemn responsibility than caring for their souls and loving their mommy.  It's a joy.

     Part of that joy is the little things that reflect the little personalities that are developing before our eyes.  I wanted to share that this morning, in tribute to my eldest daughter, Lydia.  She makes me laugh and smile.  And sometimes she frustrates me, because her personality is much more like mine than my wife's.  (As an aside: Isn't that how it usually works?  Be careful, parents - a lot of times, the  things that frustrate you most in your kids are reflections of your own sin in them.)  And in honor of my little girl, who will be turning four in just under a month, I'd like to share two sweet stories about her that happened yesterday.

     While meeting with someone yesterday afternoon, my wife called to ask me to pick up something at the store on the way home.  In the midst of her request, she told me she had to go because Lydia cut her finger.  Lydia tends to take things like scrapes and memorialize them for days by telling others of her grievous injury.  So it concerned me that my little girl cut her finger.  When I got home, I found this picture on the refrigerator:
I'm a very sentimental guy.  And there's something about the drawings my little girls make - even little scribbles on scrap paper - that makes it very hard for me to do anything other than put them in a special drawer and smile at them.  So seeing what my little girl made for me - and how she cut her little finger - was really a precious thing.  The above picture is one in a series of the best pieces of art I've ever received, because the artist is so special to me.  That same affection is an echo of the great love and affection that God has for His children, whom He has purchased and adopted.  How great is His love for His people!

     The second story involves some clothes that my wife had drying on hangers and Lydia's imagination.  She's a very creative, bright little girl.  And apparently, she decided to pretend that she was in a fashion boutique somewhere (and this is where I have no idea how she came up with this).  The following is her one-sided conversation regarding the said clothes:

Lydia: "I went to the lady and I said, "How much to look fabuluous?"  And I couldn't believe it, she said, "Eight dollars.  Nine dollars for some moms, six dollars for other moms, but eight dollars for you.""

She then preceded to talk about how "fabulous" things would be and how great a deal it was, all in a really excited, bubbly way.  Wow.

All of this to say: I love my girls.  And while I lose my patience with them some times and need to discipline them for their good on a fairly regular basis, serving God's cause toward our children is a wonderful, enjoyable thing.  So parents: love your kids, frame their artwork, and write down their stories.  Read God's Word to them, train them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, and hate their sin.  In all of it, enjoy and glorify the God who gave them to you - for their good and yours.  And please, pray for the salvation of our little girls.

To God Alone Be the Glory,

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