I had two endorsements of this book in the back of my mind before even beginning it. The first came from my former lead pastor, whom I remember speaking very highly of The Cross and Christian Ministry. The second is the fact that there has been little, if anything, that Dr. Carson has written and I have not benefited from. So coming to the book, I had expectations that this volume would follow along those lines and be generally helpful and biblically faithful. Without surprise, Dr. Carson's work succeeds at both points.
Let me begin by saying that the Corinthian letters hold, in my opinion, some of the most necessary corrections for the American church today. The nature of the letters as corrective generally lends themselves to addressing "problems" in the life of the church. The problems developing in American evangelicalism increasingly reflect the issues present among the confused Corinthians. Which makes any venture into these letters a profitable one for the pastor/elder or Christian looking to understand what faithful ministry (and Christian living) looks like in an environment hostile to the unique design the gospel supplies to the character of Christian life and ministry. Dr. Carson also wrote a book entitled A Model of Christian Maturity, which takes up some of the issues in 2 Corinthians. Both of these books are very helpful and I would generally recommend both of them as faithful in accomplishing their stated purposes.
The Cross and Christian Ministry takes up various passages in the first Corinthian letter and applies them to the contemporary Christian and Christian leader. Without going into the details of each chapter, it suffices to say that the themes drawn from the letter are more than necessary for any Christian (most certainly the pastor) to have a solid understanding of. The fundamental disparity between the world's values and the gospel's values, between the priorities of fallen men and the priorities of Jesus Christ, are so glaringly evident to us, yet very difficult to leave the former to pursue the latter. And that's where the Corinthian letters, particularly the first, have so much to say to those of us who are tempted to assume worldly priorities and cloak them with Christian garb. Dr. Carson draws out the priorities of a cross-centered life and ministry that necessarily means change on the part of the earnest man of God.
The contents of this book are adapted from addresses delivered by Dr. Carson, which makes them inherently practical. Dr. Carson is particularly gifted in driving home solid theological content in engaging ways. Again, I have usually benefited from anything I have read written by D.A. Carson and this book stands in that line. While the book is shorter than others you might pick up by him, The Cross and Christian Ministry is still well worth the read and should be an assigned as an exit requirement for those graduating from seminary. Seasoned pastors would do well to come back to the priorities Dr. Carson draws out in this book. The Cross and Christian Ministry is a worthwhile book that supplies a much-needed perspective on genuine Christian ministry and living in light of the Cross.
(The folks at Baker Books kindly supplied me with a complimentary
copy for review. I was not required to provide a positive review of the
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Book Review : Lost Letters of Pergamum
The world of Christian fiction isn't typically filled with a host of substantive, biblical, and obedience-provoking titles these days, at least so far as my impression of the landscape goes. If a book isn't about the Amish, it might as well stay off the fiction racks. Sadly, theology and a compelling story rarely seem to have a place together in the Christian publishing world. Reading through Bruce Longenecker's book The Lost Letters of Pergamum, however, proves to be an exception. Here's why:
(The folks at Baker Academic kindly supplied me with a complimentary copy for review. I was not required to provide a positive review of the book.)
- The book, while not strictly "fictional," is historical fiction - which basically means that the license taken to put words in the mouths of characters is a license taken with great attention to the probability that such characters would say what the author has them say. In the case of Longenecker's book, the dialogue mainly consists of a series of fictional letters sent back and forth between Antipas of Pergamum and Luke the Physician (and chronicler of Luke-Acts). What's fascinating about the interchange is that the characters are based on real men, with good biblical scholarship informing the content and style of their correspondence. It's not an historical stab in the dark, but a very real presentation of what an interaction between a first century Christian and pagan may have looked like, particularly those in the higher ranks of society. While the book is clearly fictional, nothing in it reads anachronistically. This needs to be done well for a book written as historical fiction and Longenecker does an excellent job of it.
- The attention to historical accuracy sets up the characters in a compelling way. Though I knew these letters were fictional, I remained interested to find out what would happen to the characters (some of whom, like the main characters themselves, were very real people in the first century).
- The evangelistic tone of Luke's letters to Antipas and the church's relationship to Antipas both made a significant impression on me. The way in which Luke respectfully and clearly engaged the pagan Antipas is a model for the kind of evangelism that usually happens in the workplace. Luke persisted in holding the truth before a man whom he initially knew through "professional" channels in a way that is highly instructive for those tempted to neglect speaking Scripture truth in favor of aimless "relationship building." Equally instructive is the way in which the church at Pegamum (at the fictional Antonius' house) openly received Antipas, while displaying genuine Christian living in their interactions. Both serve to convince Antipas of the truth of the gospel. I would not hesitate to suggest that Longenecker intentionally designed these interactions to instruct, which they do well.
- The first and twenty-first century risk of compromising the gospel is clearly in view, as one church shows a preference for comfort at the expense of their faithfulness to the Lord Jesus. It should not be overlooked that this was a real temptation for the apostolic church facing increasing persecution and lingers today. This, along with Antipas' eventual martyrdom, provide a sobering tone to the book that could otherwise be avoided in a fictional account. Those, along with other sobering moments, provide depth to the book.
(The folks at Baker Academic kindly supplied me with a complimentary copy for review. I was not required to provide a positive review of the book.)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Parents, Keep Reality Before Your Children: Buy Good Books
A number of months ago, I became convinced that as a dad, I had a responsibility to make sure that my kids were getting a steadier stream of truth through children's books than they were getting. If you're anything like us (and you very well might, because we're not like people who aren't like us and your family is probably like those who are like yours) you tend to accumulate books and toys for your kids quickly. Unexpectedly. In a way that seems like you had a subscription plan that delivered them to you while you were passed out somewhere. And most of the time, those books don't communicate a whole lot - or a whole lot that is true and hearty - about God and the gospel. That's what gripped me. As I looked at all the books that we had sitting around about how many animals you could count or stories about a mouse eating cookies, I felt strongly that I had a responsibility to my wife and children to make sure that they were "resourced" appropriately. I'm big on equipping as a priority in ministry and it was high time to make sure that my home was equipped to teach my little ones, even during play time, that life is about more than silly stories, nursery rhymes, or princesses.
At the end of the day, there's really nothing wrong with stories about princesses or ballerinas for little girls. It's the vacuum created of rich, true things when those other stories suck the air out of your home. A daily struggle ensues for every Christian parent, as we seek to lead our children to see the glory of God in the gospel, to see that life is not about getting more and more stuff, but loving God and loving people for His glory. And I don't want to tilt the struggle any more in the favor of worldliness and sin than it already is. So I decided to 'roid up my children's library with books that intentionally grounded my kids in the truth of God in ways that are entertaining, accessible, and biblically faithful - a really good mixture.
Ultimately, our family worship time is the place where the gloves come off and we, as a family, have our sparring matches against the encroaching values of worldliness and sin present in our own hearts, by praying, memorizing Scripture, going over a good, solid catechism (of the Spurgeon variety) questions, reading Scripture, singing praises to God, and talking about the Word of God. But it's not just there that my kids are learning truth. They need to exercise if they're going to be any good for the big events and that means I can't let them eat only dessert throughout the day and wonder why they're not caring about what we're doing during that important time. Their hearts are in our stewardship. And I'll tell you this: I'm certainly not going to let Dora the Explorer teach my kids more about life than godly men and women who have prayerfully sought to get some engaging and biblical content into our hands. So from one dad to other parents (or potential parents) - take your stand on what your kids books say about what you're trying to accomplish at home.
So You Want Some Examples, Eh?
That's my story. But here's where I want to really help you, if you're looking for it, get a solid start at putting together a decent set of books for your kids. All I'm going to say about the below books is that I don't think you can really go wrong if you add them to your home. They're all written in order to lead your kids to seeing God and Christian living rightly and biblically. Here's a list, with links to Westminster Theological Seminary's Bookstore website for you to look at. (WTS Bookstore has Amazon-ish prices, even better at times, as well as good, fast service. I give them a thumbs-up and encourage you to give them a look as an option for getting your books.) They also have a kids category for you to look through. Here are some top picks:Pilgrim's Progress
Get Wisdom!: 23 Lessons for Children About Living for Jesus
Gospel Story Bible
The Barber Who Wanted to Pray
The Donkey Who Carried a King
The Prince's Poison Cup
and here's the link to FAQ's about their children's section. It gives a good perspective on why they stock the books they do and links to different categories of children's books. It's well worth the time to look through what's out there.
These are just a few examples. But they're good. And you'll find a lot more, as most everything at WTS Bookstore is "trustworthy" and not going to teach your kids to live as Christians without knowing their need for Christ (like, sadly, a number of well-intentioned children's books can). I do hope that, if you're a parent, you take a good look at what your choices about media and books are teaching your children about life - and if its reinforcing what you really desire them to learn. Let's strive together to serve our children well for their good and God's glory.
To God Alone Be the Glory,
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